Stichting agape bewegingen

Athletes in Action (AIA) moves youth to have an impact through sport. Sports connect people. That’s why AIA uses sports to have an impact in the lives of youngsters. We enjoy seeing the youngsters grow in different ways: in sports, spiritual and personal. That’s why we invest in their lives with time and energy. Real impact starts when they get to know Jesus, grow personally and take action to have an impact in their own place.

Two sides to the same medal
Athletes in Action helps Christian youth to share their faith through sports. On one hand the Christian youngster grows in his personal faith and on the other hand he has impact in the life of others. They get to know Jesus’ love and the real life. While sporting, they can share their faith with their non-christian teammates and friends. So they grow as well as the others whom they are sharing with. In this way more and more youth get the chance to get to know Jesus.